Leadership Development

Leadership Development Programs

Rob Fenty works directly with companies to build and deliver cohort-based leadership development programs designed to build the effectiveness of the management layer of the company.

Growth oriented companies succeed or fail based on the effectiveness of the management and supervisory levels of the company.  Building effective leadership skills and a high performing leadership culture at these levels is imperative for successful growth, and also a pattern of the most effective companies in the world.

Based on Rob’s proven leadership content and clarity exercises, Rob works with companies to customize experiential, cohort-based learning and development programs that take leadership teams to the next level of performance and results.


Here’s an example of a 13-week cohort program implemented by a leading company

Clarity of My What and Why

Success starts with tangible clarity of what we truly want to create and what motivates us (our why). Aligning our motivators and intentions with our work platform is key for both success and happiness.

Clarify My Leadership Platform

To be successful as a leader, we must lead from our strengths and cover our blind sides. We must therefore be clear on our own leadership platform - how I will lead, what the experience of me as a leader will be and how I will create that experience to motivate success and performance in those I lead.

Articulating a Clear Vision, Outcome and Plan

Effective leadership starts with clarifying the specific end state and outcomes we are trying to create.  Successful leaders have a repeatable method of articulating that clarity (e.g. 3 year, 1 year, 90 day) and aligning the focus of their teams to it.

Creating Breakthrough Execution, Results and Performance 

High performing teams have clear and established ways of working around planning, decision making, issue escalation and resolution, prioritization and focus, role clarity, and accountability. Leaders who have clean and effective ways of managing their teams inspire higher levels of success.

Understanding and Stepping Over What Hold Us Back

In order to achieve the success we want, we must become aware of and address what holds us back. That includes the ability to identify the root cause of what is holding us back, gaining tools to manage it and building high functioning relationships (both inside the company and with customers and partners).

Contact Rob for more information about customizing a

50% Complete

Two Step

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