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What You Choose is What You Get

I have an admission.  I am a recovering “need to be right” addict. What I mean by that is that I spent most of my years to this point prioritizing the “need to be...
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Clarity in the Fewest Words Possible

This is the season when businesses and individuals reflect on their goals and outline their strategies for the upcoming year. Over the past two decades, I've conducted thousands of "clarity...
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Embrace ‘No’ to Create More Success

Over the past 20 years, one of the striking patterns I have observed is the difficulty that leaders and employees have with saying no. The patterns are: People's plates are perpetually too full or...
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Your Success Recipe Holds You Back

Over the past 20 years, I have worked with leaders in all types of organizations. And one pattern has stood out: every one of them had a success recipe.  Through their experiences, they all...
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The Thousands of Choices Every Day

I have become increasingly aware in the past few years of how fundamental choice is in creating what we want (and also creating what we don’t necessarily want). Each choice that we make...
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What's the Real Problem Statement?

Many years ago, when working for Intel, I had a manager (a very good one) who managed by problem statement. One day he pulled me into a conference room, and there were three problem statements on...
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Cracking the Code of Retaining People

Leaders everywhere are talking about how to retain employees, attract good talent, and engage employees at higher levels. And honestly, they don't feel like they are winning this battle. This is...
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Aligning for Results

This is a simple reminder of something that most of us know but many of us fail to do consistently: What we ACTUALLY focus on determines what we create.   We know in our heads that we...
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The Beliefs that Run You

We have hundreds or even thousands of beliefs running through our minds at any given time. They are like the playing rules of our own individual game of life. They influence what we think, what we...
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Do You Have a Unique Value Proposition?

I spend a lot of time with my clients, talking about their unique value proposition and the market position it creates. I am passionate about it. It's the very foundation of what makes businesses...
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Grow your business with Rob Fenty

We've prepared a case study that might help you grow your business with simple growth hacking ideas. Sign up for the spam-free to get the ebook now.

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